Die Geschichte der Videospiele   
Recherchiere zum Thema „Die Geschichte der Videospiele” und verwende folgende drei Quellen. Erstelle im Anschluss eine Mind-Map, die Antworten auf folgende Fragen beinhaltet und lade diese auf CryptDrive hoch.



  1. Worauf wurde das Spiel „Tennis for Two” gespielt?
  2. Was ist ein Arcade-Spiel?
  3. Welches Videospiel wurde 577 Millonen mal verkauft?
  4. Was ist ein Handheld?
  5. Was verbirgt sich hinter der Abkürzung MMO?
  6. Was ist ein „Let’s Play“-Video?
  7. Was ist E-Sport?
  8. Was ist ein „Indie game”?
  9. Welches Spiel hast du als Kind gerne gespielt?
  10. Spielst du jetzt Videospiele und wenn ja welche? 


Anita Sarkeesian
Quelle: Wikipedia

Anita Sarkeesian (/sɑːrˈkiːziən/; born 1983) is a Canadian-American feminist media critic, blogger, and public speaker. She is the founder of Feminist Frequency, a website that hosts videos and commentary analyzing portrayals of women in popular culture. She has received particular attention for her video series Tropes vs. Women in Video Games, which examines tropes in the depiction of female video game characters.

In 2012, Sarkeesian was targeted by an online harassment campaign following her launch of a Kickstarter project to fund the Tropes vs. Women in Video Games series. Supporters donated almost $160,000 to the project, far beyond the $6,000 she had sought. The situation was covered extensively in the media, placing Sarkeesian at the center of discussions about misogyny in video game culture and online harassment. She has spoken to TEDxWomen, XOXO Festival, and the United Nations' Broadband Working Group on Gender, and appeared on The Colbert Report discussing her experiences of harassment and the challenge of attempting to improve gender inclusivity in gaming culture and the media.


Feminist Frequency
Quelle: About-Text Webseite

“In 2009, Anita Sarkeesian borrowed a camera and some lights, tacked a piece of fabric up on her living room wall, and started making videos examining pop culture from a feminist perspective. Those early videos were short and simple, but the core of Feminist Frequency was already visible in them: the belief that media has the power to change the world.

Today, Feminist Frequency is a not-for-profit educational organization that analyzes modern media’s relationship to societal issues such as gender, race, and sexuality. Our videos encourage viewers to critically engage with mass media. We also provide resources for media makers to improve their works of fiction, and a new web series called The FREQ Show, that connects popular culture to contemporary social and political issues.

We strongly advocate for the just treatment of all people online and believe that media is an essential tool for eradicating injustice. Through consciousness-raising around issues like online harassment, we hope to cultivate new media literacies that will make us all more responsible media users in a just and more equitable virtual world.

All our videos are available online to watch and share for free without any advertising. These educational videos are made possible by generous donations from viewers.”

Auf den Vlog  Feminist Frequency werden Phänomene der Popkultur aus einer feministischen Perspektive analysiert. Zudem werden „Podcasts” „Media Recommendations”, „feminsism 101”, „online savety guides”, „glossaries”  ... u.v.m. zur Verfügung gestellt.


Tropes vs. Women

Ordinary Women daring to defy history




  1. Bitte gehe auf den unten stehenden Link zur Serie Tropes vs. Women in Video Games von Anita Sarkeesian und sehe dir das Video: „Damsel in Distress Part 1 (2013)” an.

    Link zum Video: 

  2. Verfasse in einem CryptPad ein kurzes persönliches Statement zum Video. (maximal 5 Sätze oder 1/4 A4 Seite)