Google Maps Hacks
Simon Weckert
Performance & Installation, 2020

"99 second hand smartphones are transported in a handcart to generate virtual traffic jam in Google Maps.Through this activity, it is possible to turn a green street red which has an impact in the physical world by navigating cars on another route to avoid being stuck in traffic.”


Venmo Stories of 2017
Personal stories from the public Venmo feed showing how much personal data users share with the world.

Go to Website:
Artikel von Michael Moorstedt über die Arbeit „Public by default” der Sicherheitsforscherin und Webentwicklerin Hang Do Thi Duc

So schnell wie möglich wegklicken!

Das Design täuscht absichtlich: Onlinedienste machen es Nutzern schwer, ihnen den Zugriff auf private Daten zu verbieten. Und dann steht plötzlich die eigene traurige Liebesgeschichte ungewollt im Netz.
[ ... weiterlesen]



Tactical Tech

international NGO that engages with citizens and civil-society organisations to explore and mitigate the impacts of technology on society
Tactical Tech ist eine Berliner Organisation, die an der Schnittstelle von Technologie, Menschenrechten und Freiheitsrechten arbeitet. Sie bieten Schulungen an, führen Forschungsarbeiten durch und schaffen kulturelle Interventionen, die zur breiteren gesellschaftspolitischen Debatte rund um die Themen digitale Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Datenethik beitragen.

Data Detox

Do you feel like your digital self is slipping out of control? Have you let yourself install too many apps, clicked “I agree” a few too many times, lost track of how many accounts you’ve created? Perhaps you feel you’re not as in control of your digital life as you’d like to be. (Tactical Tech)

Das Daten-Detox-Kit wurde für den Glass Room London im Jahr 2017 produziert, kuratiert von Tactical Tech und präsentiert von Mozilla. Es wurde auch als gedrucktes Kit produziert.

Die erste Version des Kits wurde 2016 für den Glass Room New York in gedruckter Form und als PDF veröffentlicht.

Hier gehts zum Data Detox:

Data Detox x Youth

Data Detox x Youth is an activity book to help young people take control of their tech. This interactive toolkit encourages young people to think about different aspects of their digital lives, from their social media profiles to their passwords, with simple activities for reflection and play.

Download and Print - hier gehts zum Data Detox


me and my shadow
take control of your data

What are digital traces?

Through your computer, mobile phone, and other digital devices, you leave behind hundreds of digital traces (also called data traces) every day: bits of information about you that are created, stored, and collected.

When your digital traces are put together to create stories about you or profiles of you, these become your digital shadows. These can give others huge insight into your life; and they can also be totally wrong. Either way, once they're out there, they are almost impossible to control....



CHOICE hired an actor to read all 73,198 words of Amazon Kindle's terms and conditions.